Toy Seller on Ebay / Dr. Phil Drama

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have you heard about the married couple of that went on Dr. Phil in November to confess their shoplifting "habit"? If will be searching for video from the show later. Anyway, the idiots, Laura and Matthew Eaton let the Dr. Phil show tape them as they went on a shoplifting spree!!! During this videotaped spree the husband allegedly stole "$700 worth of mostly Legos". Well guess what?!? The dumb ass sells Legos on Ebay. Click here to check out their account before it gets shut down! Click here or here to get more of the big story on this brilliant toy dealer! I have a feeling their account will be gone by the end of the day - so here are some screen shots! The last pic is of the happy couple themselves! Click on the pics to make them bigger!
UPDATE: Matthew's middle name is Allen. They were on Dr. Phil as Laura and Allen. They have kids. They use their kids as decoys while they are shoplifting. Click here for a clip of their chaos!
UPDATE 2: There's more!!! Click here.
This is just too much for me today! I love a little action during the day! I do however feel sorry for their kids, the stores they stole from, and the innocent people who just wanted to buy Legos!